
'Oumuamua AI

Where Innovation Meets Intelligence

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CEO of Microsoft
Satya Nadella

In this era of AI agents, business logic will migrate to an artificial intelligence layer capable of managing multiple databases and systems simultaneously. These agents, versatile and intelligent, will orchestrate business processes seamlessly, without being tied to specific backends.


Analiza poslovnih procesa

Identifikacija ključnih izazova i prilika za poboljšanje

Temeljito analiziramo vaše poslovne procese kako bismo otkrili neučinkovitosti, uska grla i prilike za automatizaciju, što rezultira boljim performansama i smanjenjem troškova.

Definiranje strategije i vaših ciljeve

Zajednički definiramo vaše poslovne ciljeve te razvijamo personalizirana rješenja koja najbolje odgovaraju vašim potrebama i prioritetima.

Primjena inovativnih rješenja

Koristimo napredne tehnologije poput umjetne inteligencije za implementaciju optimizacija i povećanje učinkovitosti vašeg poslovanja.

CEO of Tesla
Elon Musk

AI is already smarter in some areas and will be smarter than us in more.


Prijedlog rješenja i strategije

Definiranje procesa i zadataka koje će AI preuzeti

It's easy and intuitive to make changes in Slick with thousands of CSS helpers.

Razrada faza implementacije

The content is arranged logically; fitted well with every screen sizes.

Prijedlog tehnologoije koja odgovara strategiji

Now you can change font sizes, color, padding, margin & more through HTML code

Purchase Slick
Jensen Huang

AI agents aren't just your average chatbots, rather think digital employees capable of tackling complex, multi-step problems.


Razvoj i implementacija AI agenata

Painless editing

It's easy and intuitive to make changes in Slick with thousands of CSS helpers.

Responsive all the way

The content is arranged logically; fitted well with every screen sizes.

Control through HTML

Now you can change font sizes, color, padding, margin & more through HTML code

Purchase Slick
CEO of OpenAI
Sam Altman

We believe that in 2025 we may see the first AI agents join the workforce and materially change the output of companies.


Podrška i održavanje

Painless editing

It's easy and intuitive to make changes in Slick with thousands of CSS helpers.

Responsive all the way

The content is arranged logically; fitted well with every screen sizes.

Control through HTML

Now you can change font sizes, color, padding, margin & more through HTML code

Purchase Slick
Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University
Fei-Fei Li

AI agents will transform the way we interact with technology, making it more natural and intuitive. They will enable us to have more meaningful and productive interactions with computers.

Zašto odabrati baš nas?

Odaberite Oumuamua jer vam nudimo personalizirana AI rješenja uz najnovije tehnologije, transparentan proces i fokus na mjerljive rezultate poput uštede vremena, preciznosti i smanjenja troškova.

Personalizirani pristup

Svako rješenje prilagođavamo vašim specifičnim poslovnim potrebama.

Inovacija na prvom mjestu

Koristimo najnovije tehnologije na području umjetne inteligencije.


Jasno komuniciramo svaki korak procesa.


Fokusirani smo na mjerljive učinke – uštedu vremena, povećanje preciznosti i smanjenje troškova.

Co-founder of Microsoft
Bill Gates

AI Agents are not only going to change how everyone interacts with computers. They’re also going to upend the software industry, bringing about the biggest revolution in computing.

Naši zadovoljni klijenti

Kompanije koje su odlučile među prvima s nama implementirati AI rješenja i time povećati konkurentnost

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CEO of Meta
Mark Zuckerberg

Imagine a future with billions of AI agents, far outnumbering humans.

Kontaktirajte nas

Naš tim cijeni otvorenu komunikaciju. Pozivamo vas da s nama podijelite svoja pitanja, ideje i savjete.